Singing Guide: Beverley Knight

Singing Guide: Beverley Knight

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Beverley Knight is one of the most influential British soul singers of our time. With powerful energy and exceptional range, she has earned her reputation as one of the UK's finest vocal talents.

If you want to learn how to sing like Beverley Knight, one of the most important things to develop is breath control. From her early classic album 'Prodigal Sista' to her most recent live performances, Beverley's impressive vocal range is matched only by her impressive breath control. To emulate that technique, mastering the basics is crucial.

One of the first things to focus on is breath support. This technique is fundamental in training your vocal folds to hold long notes, achieve dynamic range, and sustain your singing for longer periods of time. Singing Carrots has some excellent resources to help you with this, including detailed articles covering 'breathing basics' and 'breath support'. These will help you get the foundation you need to master the finer details of Beverley Knight's singing style. Additionally, practicing exercises like the 'Farinelli Breathing' featured in Singing Carrots' video tutorials or taking lessons with a vocal coach can be a great way to develop healthy technique and move in the right direction.

Another technique that Beverley Knight employs to captivating effect is the use of vibrato. Vibrato is a subtle variation in pitch, a wobbling effect that can be used to create a more dynamic and natural sound. To develop this technique, Singing Carrots' video tutorial on 'Singing with Vibrato' is an essential resource to learn how to use the diaphragm correctly for optimal results.

Knowing your vocal range is another crucial element of making the most of your singing abilities. Take Singing Carrots' 'Vocal Range Test', which compares your range to famous singers' range and allows you to explore different genres.

Beverley Knight's stunning performances of songs like 'Made it Back' and 'Shoulda Woulda Coulda' feature the artist's unique style, that demands vocal flexibility, agility and confidence. Learning these songs' techniques is an excellent way to learn new skills and sample Beverley Knight's unique range.

Incorporating these resources into your practice routine, and taking the time to focus on specific techniques, is the key to developing your singing voice and mastering Beverley Knight's style. Using Singing Carrots' educational resources, such as the 'Pitch Training' module or 'Search Songs by Vocal Range,' is a great way to supplement your efforts and get professional insights.

As Beverley Knight once said, "If you're going to sing, sing seriously. If you're going to dance, dance seriously. Whatever you do, do it all seriously." By taking advantage of the amazing resources and lessons that Singing Carrots offers, you can sing seriously and master the style that you want.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.